Saturday, November 22, 2014

Welcome to Fairbanks. The trip West. Fremont - Rapid City, SD.

Well it has been a long time, since I have blogged.   Part of the reason was being busy moving from Nome, back to Nebraska, emptying a house, then driving from Fremont to Seattle.  I flew from Seattle to Fairbanks.  My car was shipped from Seattle to Fairbanks.  When I got to Fairbanks, I took my PC into the shop, because it was not connecting to the internet.  I found out my computer was dying, and of course it would cost more to fix, than to buy a new one.
So I have entered the world of Apple.  I have a MacBook Air.  Let's just say the transition has not been the smoothest.   This will be my first post on the MacBook.

Let's start back in Nome.  I was offered a position at a clinic in Fairbanks.  The clinic is brand new, and is being started by the Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC).  They are a nonprofit Native Corporation that serves the needs of 39 Alaskan Native Tribes, or which 36 are federally recognized.  They have been providing other health services to the TCC beneficiaries, and have finally decided to bring Physical Therapy under their umbrella.  It is a huge umbrella.  The land mass that falls under TCC is barely smaller than the state of Texas.  I was the second PT hired by TCC, but the first to start practicing.   I am an employee of TCC, but I do not speak for TCC.  Nothing that I say on this blog should be construed as representing the position of TCC.

That out of the way.  In the picture above you will notice a heart of golden flowers.  That is very fortunate because Fairbanks is the Golden Heart City.

The next 2 pictures were the last ones I took in Nome.  The first is obviously down by the harbor.  It was taken the night before I left.

 This one was my last morning as I arrived at work my final day at Norton Sound Health Corporation.

Then I headed for home, for 10 days of seeing friends, emptying a house, and getting things shipped to Fairbanks.  Flat rate shipping boxes at the United States Post Office really helped keep the cost down.  I sent a lot of boxes, but much more inexpensive than a few large boxes.

Then it was time to drive from Fremont to Seattle.  On the way we had to do some tourist things.  The Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD
 Unfortunately it being the off season it was under repairs.
 Yeah the art work is make of corn.  I thought Pedro's South of the Border was a tourist trap.
 The weather turned out beautiful for most of the drive.

I really do enjoy the prairie and open grassland.


That was about the end of day 1 of driving.  Made it across the State of South Dakota.  Stopped in Rapid City, SD.

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